6/17/09- After thickening, the plot moved forward.
Four new pages this week, all backdated to fit in the archives properly. Click here for the start of the new material (I really hope I guessed the link right D:), or just start at the beginning again. You know you want to.
I know the banner still doesn't work on the archive pages. I know what the problem is, I just don't know how to fix it. I might have to just wait until I can access siteadmin, which I still can't do. I don't think there are any other bugs; there's an ugly thing or two, but no actual bugs.
I'm on vacation starting Sunday! There's no way I'd be able to make enough pages before then to keep up with the pace I've set for myself, so I'm going to cut it in half. Two pages a week for the next two weeks, updated Tuesdays and Thursdays. Assuming, of course, I have the pages ready before I leave. I'm passing up video games in favor of drawing comics! That, my friends, is dedication.
And that ends this news post. I believe a cat is trying to steal my socks.